Podcast-The Only Way Out is Through

The New Year ReVolution continues with The Intentional Dad podcast as we share another story of apprenticeship. In this episode Ben joins Aric to share his story of how God fathered him through a long season of injury, surgery, and recovery. It was an experience that deepened his reliance on God and his resilience in the face of pain and suffering...suffering that turned out to be a reason to, as Paul says, rejoice. Listen in as Ben offers his story, what he's learned, and new things that have emerged from the experiences.
Beloved is a corner of The Intentional Dad for young adults being fathered by God. Here you will find stories of initiation, apprenticeship, struggle, and triumph from the lives of young adults living intimately with God. These stories are offered as a gift of encouragement for your own journey and as an invitation to share the adventure in community with us.
The Beloved page of The Intentional Dad can be found at: www.theintentionaldad.org/beloved/