The Intentional Dad Workshops are designed to be safe environments to take you deeper into understanding your story, your deepest heart desires, and to pursue healing, wholeness, and understanding that fosters intimacy with God...
...intimacy that is foundational for connection and intentionality with your spouse and kids.
Workshops combine teaching, conversation, solitude and silence, personal reflection, and prayer in pursuit of intimate encounters with God. Workshops are designed to be a practice of community built around the values of authenticity, vulnerability, humility, understanding, and safety as we share in the journey of finding “the narrow road” together. For individuals, couples, and adult children.
You can learn more about available workshops below. If you would like to stay informed about workshops, scroll down to indicate your interest and you will be contacted as workshops become available.
Also, are you interested in a workshop for friends, family, small group or church? Scroll to the bottom of the page to schedule a time to chat with Aric and let's talk about it!
The Intentional Dad Available Workshops:
Generational Momentum
“Family patterns from the past are played out in our present relationships without us necessarily being aware of it.” Peter Scazzero, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
The truth is, many live their lives, navigating relationships at work, with friends and family, and with their children, largely unaware of a much bigger story at work silently shaping how they live and what they do. Few would argue that their family has had a significant impact on the person they are today. However, few have begun to examine and truly understand that impact. It is something I call generational momentum and it is a powerful force at work in our lives.
What might God have for us, then, if we would hear and accept an invitation to begin looking into the impact of generational momentum? What might we discover as we take time to look, as awareness grows, and understanding emerges? Jesus has an invitation for all of us…to see with our eyes, hear with our ears, and understand with our hearts and turn to him and find healing (Matthew 13:15). It is an invitation that starts with awareness, awareness that leads to him and the healing he offers each of us. That is a truly revolutionary invitation. So, The Intentional Dad is inviting you to take a very “intentional” step for you and your family. Join us for a one day workshop as, together, we begin to explore our stories of generational momentum and the impact of our families to our lives spiritually and emotionally.
Sign up to be informed of the next offering or schedule a time to talk with Aric about bringing this workshop to your family, friends, small group, or church.
Workshop now available!
When: Saturday April 5, 2025 9AM-4PM
Where: Dexter, MI (Final location TBD)
Cost: $25 (includes lunch and necessary resources)
Family Rate: $15 for first additional participant, $10 for each additional participant. Recommended for ages 18 and up.
The Matrix
“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.” Jesus of Nazareth
The truth is, many live their lives, navigating relationships at work, with friends and family, and with their children, largely unaware of a much deeper reality at work. But what if there is more to reality than our physical world? And what if there are forces at work heavily invested in keeping you blind to that reality…forces at work even now robbing you, your spouse, your children and everyone you have ever cared about of healing, belonging, understanding, peace, redemption, restoration, and reconciliation? Jesus himself spoke of an unseen enemy in very sobering terms…an enemy on the prowl, an enemy seeking to steal, kill, and destroy, an enemy whose native tongue is lies and who was a murderer from the beginning. We can continue ignoring this reality but, if Jesus is right, we cannot do that and expect to flourish as he wants his sons and daughters to.
Awakening to this truth…this deeper reality…changes everything. What might Jesus have for us, then, if we would hear his words and accept an invitation to orient to the unexamined realities of a universe at war and the ruthless schemes of an unseen enemy? The Intentional Dad is inviting you to “take the red pill” and join us for a one day workshop as, together, we go deeper down the rabbit hole, expose what has been lurking in the shadows and begin learning to push back against an enemy that has robbed you and your family long enough.
Sign up to be informed of the next offering or schedule a time to talk with Aric about bringing this workshop to your family, friends, small group, or church.
Divine Rebellion Series (Sabbath)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.” Jesus of Nazareth
How are you doing?
No, really. Take a moment to look under the hood. How are you doing? Are you at peace? Is your life restful? Joyful? Playful? Do you feel like you’re enough? That you have enough? That you’re appreciated? Ever? How about your spouse? Your kids?
If not, you are not alone. We have all been swept up into a life that does untold violence to our hearts and souls. Worse still, we’re so used to it that most have lost the ability to even recognize it. That is, until something comes along to break the spell. Something that reminds us…awakens a part of us that remembers that we are more than what we do, what we have, or what others say about us.
You were made for more. You have been sucked into a ruthless system that pummels you with an endless drumbeat of doing more, producing more, achieving more, buying more…a system that has robbed you and your family long enough. The time for rebellion…divine rebellion…has come. There is freedom and there is a time-tested, God prescribed, divinely designed practice for all who are ready to take a stand. That practice is Sabbath. And it is a prime weapon in our divine rebellion against the soul crushing demands of our modern world. Join us for a one day workshop as, together, we begin to explore this ancient practice and the way to the “real rest” Jesus promises.
Sign up to be informed of the next offering or schedule a time to talk with Aric about bringing this workshop to your family, friends, small group, or church.
Divine Rebellion Series (Fasting) (Coming Soon!)
Sign up to be informed of the next offering or schedule a time to talk with Aric about bringing this workshop to your family, friends, small group, or church.