Do less. Be more.

Beloved is a corner of The Intentional Dad for young adults being fathered by God. Here you will find stories of initiation, apprenticeship, struggle, and triumph from the lives of young adults living intimately with God. These stories are offered as a gift of encouragement for your own journey and as an invitation to share the adventure in community with us.

Initiation is a journey of intentionality toward adulthood as a beloved son or daughter living in intimate apprenticeship with Jesus. But initiation is more than a one time thing. God is always growing us up. Which means we are always learning, growing, training, and healing. So, whether you are just beginning to discover initiation from your Heavenly Father or have known his fathering for some time, you belong here. Join us as we walk the "narrow road" together.


Dayenu is a corner of The Intentional Dad for beauty, reflection, and gratitude. Here you will find art, poetry, contemplative thought, and beauty inspired by God and the goodness of life, his creation, and community.

Dayenu (Hebrew: דַּיֵּנוּ‎) is a song that is part of the Jewish Passover celebration. The word "dayenu" is roughly translated "it would have been enough"or "it would have been sufficient". This song has a deep tradition in the Hebrew culture dating back over a thousand years. It is an expression of gratitude to God, particularly in celebration of the story of God's heart toward his covenant people demonstrated in things like their rescue from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Torah, and the gift of Sabbath. The heart of the song of praise is that, even if God had only given one of those gifts, "it would have been enough." It is a rich tradition in the practice of gratitude.