About the book

  • In Aric's new book, “The Intentional Dad - Embrace and Fulfill the Promise of Fatherhood” you will encounter a dad and author who doesn’t just offer fathers the seven steps to being an intentional dad, but a personal journey that not only led him through a 10-year process of fathering his children, but also through the process of becoming a Beloved Son of God himself. I have known Aric for over 20-years and have had the privilege of watching Aric’s story unfold. I have also had the privilege of having his oldest son attend a weekly men’s gathering at my house where me and the other men who attend have witnessed first-hand the effect of Aric’s heart as a father, and the process God has led him through. This is the real deal, and in a society where intentional fathering is becoming obsolete, dads from all walks of life need a tool like Aric’s book to help them along their own journey of being fathered by God and fathering their children. This is a must read for all of you dads out there.

    Pete Emhoff, Founder and President of True Pursuit, "Hearts Rescued. Freedom Gained."
  • Aric humbly and honestly invites both men and women to examine fatherhood. He wrestles with the real issues males face in being a dad. Aric candidly shares the role that shame played in his life, revealing what Brené Brown proposes, that shame impacts males differently than females. Aric vulnerably walks you through his own journey of fatherhood, both failures and successes. He lived the reality of being a “stay at home dad” and the lessons he learned about his identity, loving himself, and showing up for his family. These lessons are his legacy from which others can learn about how to provide a path for their sons and daughters to grow – what Aric calls – “firm character.”

    Mark Freier, Founder of WhatIf Enterprises, Executive Coach and Trusted Advisor, Author of "The Choice to Show Up: Who I Am Matters" and co-author of "The Execution Culture: Results Happen Where Culture Meets Execution"
  • The book has laid out concepts and truths I have not heard before. I have had my eyes opened to be defined as God sees me and first seeing that he just wants a relationship with me. I am learning to not make agreements and be defined by an illusion that tells me I have to prove my worth. Brian H, Northville, MI

About Workshops and Groups

  • This was awesome! Thank you so much for putting this together and leading our pursuit. I feel encouraged and already am beginning to experience more healing. Raechel F, Dexter, MI (Generational Momentum Workshop Participant)
  • It has been so good to be in an environment where it is actually okay to talk about these things! Rachel B., Ann Arbor, MI (Generational Momentum Workshop Participant)
  • Thank you Aric! This has been wonderful in helping my wife and I have conversations we need for our lives and our marriage. DJ F, Dexter, MI (Generational Momentum Workshop Participant)
  • Thank you so very much for this event! Our time together was heart changing. I greatly appreciate your servant leadership approach. You speak and listen earnestly with love and great understanding. I'm looking forward to more learning! Jodie C, Northville, MI (Generational Momentum Workshop Participant)
  • The opportunity to be with Aric and his son, Ben, was incredible. Even though I had already made things right with my own son years ago, the discussions and the book gave me an opportunity to go deeper with him and talk more about areas of our past that need more work. Aric bringing his son was very powerful. It shows all of us that this stuff really works. It is evident in Aric’s and Ben’s relationship. Randy T, Farmington, MI (Discussion Group Participant)
  • Thanks so much for sharing your life experience. I’ve learned to open up and I’m growing to not feel like I have to prove myself to anyone but to glorify God in all I do. George P, Plymouth, MI (Discussion Group Participant)
  • Having you here to discuss various topics from the book's chapters has been great. Your wisdom is a great resource and much appreciated. Roger L, Milford, MI (Discussion Group Participant)

About Coaching and Pastoral Counseling

  • If you are ready to change yours and your kids lives then The Intentional Dad is your roadmap. You will never regret the journey you get to take and who you get to take it with. Aric has helped me understand how to invite my kids on a journey and pass on a legacy of intentional life with Jesus. I can think of nothing better! Ryan M, Elkhart, IN
  • I am thankful and at a loss of words for how effective and transforming my time with Aric has been. I remember before Aric and I started on our journey, my wife and I discussed if we could afford the time and the money that would be required. Now that we are on the back end of things, I can say with confidence that the real question is: can you afford not to? Aric lives his life with dignity and love and it shows in all he does and through the relationships he keeps. Though once it seemed he was merely a coach, Aric has turned into a life long friend and wise mentor of mine. The Intentional Dad is everything it’s promised to be and so much more. Zach G, Allegan, MI
  • I have no doubt that you will gain wisdom and support through your journey of fatherhood alongside Aric. He holds himself confidently in his posture yet humbly in his conversations. His heart and passion are clear. His support and wisdom are easy to understand, so you won’t be left confused. You will be encouraged to walk intimately with God which will then in turn help you foster that relationship with your kids. Darcey B, Oak View, CA
  • I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Aric and seeing his heart for helping others, especially dads. He is authentic and easy to be very open and honest with. He has never made me feel judged or like I need to pretend to be something I’m not. I appreciate that he tries to see my point of view and understand my feelings. He has really encouraged my son and shown him so much patience and kindness. Lindsey V, South Lyon, MI