Podcast: "The Way" through The Sacred Gap (Part 8), Ep. 28

Stories of Apprenticeship: A Mother's Story of Mercy to "The Overlooked and Ignored"
The more we understand Jesus' invitation for the Kingdom life, the more compelling it is. In this episode, we continue our discussion of mercy as the central ethic of Kingdom living by sharing a story of apprenticeship. It is very good to learn from Jesus and catch his breathtaking vision for Kingdom life. Where it really matters and where his vision is realized, though, is not in knowing about it but in living it. Which is why story is so important. It is in our stories that we experience for ourselves and with each other just how beautiful and hopeful Kingdom life actually is. And it is through our stories that we find inspiration spurring one another on to love, kindness, and good works.
Listen in as Aric invites his sister-in-law, Elizabeth, to share her story of how God prepared her heart for an adventure through a very simple act of kindness to the overlooked and ignored homeless population in her community. It is an inspiring story of a mother faithfully following God's lead and bringing her family into the adventure. And it is a story that is inspiring others to live out mercy as well.
To contact Aric and to learn more about The Intentional Dad go to www.theintentionaldad.org.