Podcast - What Story Are You Living? (Part 5) Know Your Enemy (Illusion)

Podcast - What Story Are You Living? (Part 5) Know Your Enemy (Illusion)

Aric and Pete continue their discussion around the question "What Story Are You Living?"

We live in a universe at war and, in previous episodes, we have worked to understand the reality of an enemy whose hatred for God and humanity is thorough. He is a sophisticated and deadly enemy. But, in the last episode, we discovered that for all of that sophistication, his playbook is shockingly simple. Which begs a very important question: If his playbook is that simple, why is it so hard to experience the peace, healing, and freedom that God offers? In a word, the issue is illusion. Listen in as Pete and Aric discuss the tireless efforts of the enemy to keep us invested in a false reality and how orienting to that truth helps us in our efforts to resist...to exercise defiant rebellion and begin to break free.

Learn more about The Intentional Dad at www.theintentionaldad.org

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