Podcast - "The Way" through The Sacred Gap: What Are You Doing With Your Pain? (Suffering and Confession)

The more we understand Jesus' invitation for the Kingdom life, the more compelling it is. As we discussed in our previous series, it is a promise of healing and transformation that frees us from our shadow stories into lives lived more and more fully in the true story and the Kingdom realities that you are loved, you belong, you are chosen, and you have nothing to prove. The difference between those two realities is what we have called The Sacred Gap and once that gap becomes clear, so does an obvious question: "How do I get through that gap?" Well, it turns out there is an answer. The early Kingdom communities of Jesus' apprentices, not coincidentally, referred to themselves as practitioners of "The Way." What "Way" is that? It is "The Way" that Jesus himself taught in the greatest and most compelling sermon ever given...The Sermon on The Mount.
Listen in as Aric and his brother, Tyler, explore Jesus' vision for Kingdom life and the roadmap he shares to open his famous sermon. Together, each of the "Beatitudes" reveal "The Way" home and reveal our way forward through The Sacred Gap. In this podcast, we look at the first of those Beatitudes and explore the surprising truth that our journey begins with a very important question: "What are you doing with your pain?"
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