Podcast - What Story Are You Living? (Part 7a) Practicing Divine Rebellion During the Holidays

Christmas is here. With the season comes a familiar echo of deeper things...things that are abstract and difficult to name but our hearts still know that we long for. But for so many of us, the Christmas season comes and goes, as the mad rush of the season sweeps us along yet again, and we're left wondering what happened. Listen in as Pete and Aric get very practical this Christmas season. This is a time where all that has been discussed in the series can come together at a time of year when our enemy and the world around us conspires to rob us of the goodness that we all want to experience this Christmas. It is in the practice of divine rebellion that we can push through the noise and madness to come back to the heart of our Heavenly Father and reclaim the joy and wonder of the season.
This is the first half of that conversation.
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Want to reach out to Pete? He can be contacted at https://truepursuit.org/